Well, well, well. I've been a failure at updating the past couple weeks! Sorry about that. Life in the Moore household has been pretty eventful lately. Here's a quick update (I have some fun pictures to post from our recent outings, so come back soon):
-Zack got a design job! He is working for Russ Reid, a design firm that specializes is not for profits. They do all of WorldVision's stuff! I think that is especially cool, and I love how we are both connected to growing the Kingdom in different ways. We really appreciated all of your prayers and support during his searching. That time was filled with so much anxiety and uncertainty, and it really helped knowing that we had support and love from so far away.
-I got a part-time job! I am working at Gymboree Play and Music. No, it is not the clothing store :) It is a center that specializes in child play and development through music and parental interaction. Such a fun environment!
-I am now the junior high intern at Pasadena Covenant. It's a blessing and a challenge in so many ways. I pretty much have zero experience working at a church that is this small (only about 200 people), and the emphasis on the family is both exciting and something I'm not so familiar with. The students have really been a blessing to Zack and I thus far, and I can't wait to get to know them better!
As we build community here, So Cal has begun to feel more like home. I'm starting to really love it here :)
My sister and dad used to go to Gymboree all the time when she was little (and we lived in CA)! They loved it. Hope it's as fun for you as it was for them! :)