Monday, July 26, 2010

Best. Muffins. Ever.

I've never really enjoyed baking. I've always been more of a "cooking" person- constant activity, lots of chopping, all that good stuff.

Rewind life to our wedding shower. If you were there, you know that we received an abundance of cupcake ware. Perhaps it was a sign?

I've been baking frequently since we arrived in Pasadena. The first thing was White Chocolate Chai cupcakes, which were pretty excellent. The next "experiment" was blueberry muffins. I made these as a child, and always enjoyed the subtle sweetness. Unfortunately, my first attempt at making these muffins didn't quite meet my expectations. They were not sweet, and very, very small.

But then, today, I happened across a blog that changed my (baking) life.

Joy the baker- she's just a normal girl, close to my age, who lives in LA and loves to bake. And does she know how to bake! I had a hunch that these muffins were going to be awesome just by reading the reviews, so I documented the whole experience.

You can (and should) visit Joy's blog to get the recipe, but I will let you in on the key: BROWNED BUTTER. I've never done brown butter before, but oh my. It pretty much makes the muffin taste like caramel, but not overly sweet. Just the perfect, most moist, incredible blueberry muffin I've ever tasted.

I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into our kitchen! Don't worry, we'll be heading outside of the apartment (and outside of Pasadena!) for my next entry. Can't wait to share our next adventure with you!

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